
How We Judge Before We’re Born vs After We’re Born

Analytical judgments have their predicates that are wholly contained in their subjects. In our case, the concept “gold” includes the concept “yellow” and the concept “metal,” which only explain what consists of the concept “gold” rather than create judgments that are beyond the concept “gold.” A criterion for this judgment’s analyticity is one’s ability to …

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Problems in the Definition and Applicability of Jian Ai

Mohism has many ideological conflicts with Confucianism. Jian ai (impartial love) is one of these ideas pitted against the Confucian definition of love. This paper will explain the ideology of jian ai, how it’s different from Confucian graded caring, discuss the potential conflicts that emerged in a case of its practice and how to mitigate these conflicts.  Mozi believes jian ai is …

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On the Mencian Conception of Innate Goodness, and Its Survivability

Mencius is an ancient Chinese Confucian philosopher who adamantly champions the view that humans are born good. This paper will briefly discuss his conception of the inborn goodness in human nature, contemporary researches on the existence and origin of innate human goodness. Finally, this paper will offer its own view on whether preserving and developing …

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The Human Mind Works based on Basic Concepts, so What?

Kant believes one cannot obtain a representation of space (RS) empirically because, without a priori RS, one cannot distinguish between sensations triggered by inner and outer stimuli. Perceiving outer objects necessitates a priori RS for containing and separating them. One can imagine no objects but never no space. If a mind does not assume there is space, it cannot perceive …

The Human Mind Works based on Basic Concepts, so What? Read More »

A Brief Discussion of Aristotelian Conception of Friendship

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who theorized on different categories of friendship and the ideal form of friendship. This paper will explain the Aristotelian conception of friendship and offer this paper’s own comments on relevant issues stemming from this topic. Aristotle believes that a discussion of friendship is important in philosophy because humans would not …

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Confucius and Filial Piety

Confucius believes junzi, a noble person, must be ren, a term that encapsulates a comprehensive set of ethical virtues that include “benevolence, humanness, [and] goodness” (P. vi Analects). Filial piety (xiao) is an essential virtue one must support to become a junzi. Confucius voices this requirement clearly: “the junzi works on the root” and filiality is a root of ren (Analects 1.2).  Xiao establishes the …

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