
The Dig

There is no bulletproof system for focusing. Distractions are everywhere. Your phone, the news (especially today with COVID-19), even the things we should be doing pull us from the task at hand, leave us forgetful when we enter a room and don’t remember why we were there, what we were wanting to do. All these …

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Legalism and the Necessity of Virtue

Legalism is a school of ancient Chinese philosophy that prioritizes the establishment of social order over any other ideal. Han Feizi is a Legalist Chinese philosopher who has synthesized previous Legalist philosophies and believes that some philosophers, including his teacher Xunzi, have overestimated the necessity and practical value of virtue in building an orderly society. …

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Socrates on Happiness

Socrates constructs two arguments in Gorgias to pummel Callicles’ stance on hedonism. The first argument argues that because happiness and wretchedness must be mutually exclusive but pleasure and pain are mutually inclusive, pleasure is not happiness. The second argument states that only good men can have happiness, but both good and bad men feel pleasure …

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